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My name is Afan Pašalić, and this is my little piece of the web. I admit that it is mostly business and work oriented information, but I would like to think it also represents a bit of self-expression, an extension of myself. I excel at playing this middle role, between technology and design. I have the technical aptitude and attention to create solid code, and the design sensibilities and esthetic sense to know what looks and works well, and strive for a good balance of both. So, please have a look arou.
Sunday, October 24, 2010.
Saturday, February 13, 2016. ČETVEROČLANOJ PORODICI ČELIĆ JE POTREBNA POMOĆ. Čelić Fahrija živi sa svojom bolesnom suprugom i dvoje maloljetne djece u Donjem Vakufu. Njihova životna situacija je već neko vrijeme veoma teška. Fahrija je preživio moždani udar, dok mu supruga boluje od cerebralne paralize, pri čemu su joj oduzeti donji ekstremiteti. U takvim zdravstvenim prilikama oni nastoje pružiti normalan život svojoj 13-godišnjoj kćerci i petogodišnjem sinu.
Kako pomoći osobi koja ima napadaj? Europska deklaracija o epilepsiji. Knjižicu možete preuzeti na dolje navedenom linku.
The Slovenian League against epilepsy. Is a telephone hotline for counselling about psychosocial aspects Thursdays, from 4 pm to 7 pm. Accurate diagnosis may only be made by medical doctor who deals this disease. We treat it with medications. It is very important that people w.
Journal of the Turkish Chapter of ILAE.
Pengobatan alami yang paling ampuh dengan obat herbal Tradisional. Pengobatan alternatif penyakit epilepsi dengan obat Herbal Jelly Gamat Gold-G yang aman dan tanpa efek samping. Ini berlaku untuk pesanan di bawah 2 botol. Pengaruh genetik beberapa tipe epilepsi menurub pada keluarga. Trauma pada kepala kecelakaan mobil atau cedera lain dapat menyebabkan epilepsi. Penyakit Medis Stroke atau serangan jantung merupakan penyakit yang dapat memicu terjadinya penyakit epilepsi.
Epilepsipasset - for deg som vil reise! Endelig har mennesker med epilepsi fått en helt egen reiseportal! Vi oppdate3rer sidene om Sør-Amerika forløpende. I mellomtiden oppsøk Utenriksdeparteme . Vi legger ut informasjon om Nord-Amerika fortløpende. Istanbul ligger innerst i middelhavet på begge sider av Bosboros-strede . Tar du flyet i en to-timers tid fra Gardermoen i nord-vestlig retning h .